Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"God's true Children are Teachable." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Forty

“God’s true children are Teachable.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 16th 2024)

We, as Christians, do have static Truth. Jesus is LORD. That is a static Truth. While there are eternal Truths it is also true that new aspects of Truth are continually being revealed to the growing child of God’s Word. Our knowledge of the LORD only increases as we remain in proper relationship with Him. The fool states that he knows “it all” and that he has “heard everything”. Christians are commanded to test what they hear carefully, not quickly.

“What a shame – yes, how stupid! – to decide before knowing the facts!” (Proverbs 18:13)

Family pressures, pressures from fellow Christians, inner conflict and fear of persecution all can stop or slow down our personal growth. When new truths are placed before us from God’s word, we must carefully weigh them before the Word of God – and all the facts. It is very true that most all refuse to accept change, it can make one feel extremely uncomfortable. These are spiritual growing pains. Many of us who study God’s word find ourselves attaching to favorite Bible teachers. We may agree with them on many points but then one point comes up, and well – hhhhmmm.

Perhaps we need advice regarding this important issue:

“Pride leads to arguments; be humble, take advice and become wise.” (Proverbs 13:10)

This is why we must learn to take from whoever teaches Truth the Truth. We accept the Truth no matter who speaks it. If it is revealed by the power of the Holy Spirit and is clear in God’s word, it is Truth. It may be completely different than what we thought it should mean and very different from what the majority of famous Bible teachers are proclaiming but none-the-less we must accept God above man. This is easy to say but hard to do. Truth is not popular.

What is our motive:

“To learn, you must want to be taught. To refuse reproof is stupid.” (Proverbs 12:1)

The fact is, the message that Jesus the Messiah brought to planet Earth is very disturbing. The prideful fallen man doesn’t like the message of Jesus Christ.  The Christian faith involves more than just mental assent. It is also much more than some human organization, denomination or so-called non-denomination. It is a Living Message – it is REALITY. It is a moral life of supernatural knowledge to be lived by the Spirit and the indwelling Christ.

Many Christians who begin to truly mature in their faith find that some of the “new things” that they are learning - and believing - are the Truth and may bring direct conflict with the teaching of their current denomination or so-called non-denomination. I will state here that the true Nazoreans, the Christians in the Ancient Antiochene Church of God, are teachable. We are constantly discussing and learning from God’s Holy Word. We do that with humility. We thank God that He knows everything that we need to know and that He reveals when and how he will to His true Children. He leads, guides, directs, and protects His true children.

Many churches are simply teaching manmade constructs of theology that are not Biblical. Legalists are simply teaching Old Covenant truths and placing them on Christians as bondage. They do not understand the current dispensation. They do not understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. All of the sects have created an apparent division. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

In ending, Christians must understand that there is freedom in the true Faith – freedom to share and to grow. We must also remember that the Holy Spirit is our ultimate teacher, pointing us to the Truths of God’s word. When a group moves away from and outside the facts, they develop their own government and policies. It is easy to give in to the crowd. I pray that we as true Christians keep our eyes on God’s Kingdom and on Jesus the Christ.

It is true that new-comers will not gain a full understanding nor a possession of our mysteries all at once. We are unfolding the wonders of the Sixth Dispensation. “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them his covenant.” (Psalm 25:14)

We are mere children; we have not yet arrived.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 16th 2024)


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