Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"The Mystery of the Jordan." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirty-seven

“The Mystery of the Jordan.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 11th 2024)

I would like to cover some interesting history of the river Jordan during the time of Jesus Christ. The Jordan River comprises the lowest depression on planet Earth. The river flows downward many feet, it drops low. Hence, the name “Jordan” which in Hebrew [yarden] means “the descender”. At one time the Egyptians dwelt in fortress towns along the Jordan River. Two of which were Beth-shan and Hazor.

Many portions of the river get stocked by lots of fish naturally. There is a plain of the river called Zor and this is where the river winds drastically back and forth through thickets of tamarisk. Jeremiah 12:5 calls this “the jungle of the Jordan". The town Jericho is down towards the southern portion of the Jordan and is an oasis town. Many from the Essene sects and Nazorean sect traveled along the Jordan proselyting and camping. Small tent camps made their homes there.

The Patriarch Abraham at one time chose a portion of the valley of the Jordan for himself. The Jordan River is also mentioned regarding some miracles of Elijah and Elisha. The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ basically starts at the Jordan. John the Baptist would visit there often to baptize people into “the Way” of the Lord. John the Baptist came from the Essenes and connected with the Nazoreans developing his message, “the Way” - and it was this very message which prepared for the appearance of Jesus Christ.

It must be understood that many mystics from Egypt such as the Therapeuti traveled up from Egypt and along the Jordan. This, somewhat of a long journey, connected to Galilee, home of the Nazoreans. From Galilee there were trails leading up to Damascus – an intellectual hub for many mystics and spiritually minded people. It is 70 miles from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea region where many encampments of Essenes lived. However, the long winding of the Jordan River connects the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea roughly 200 miles in length – because it is so circuitous.

Our Ancient Antiochene records tell us that the Egyptian Therapeuti secretly congregated at specific locations along the Jordan with the Essenes and many of them became Essenes and eventually, Nazoreans - followers of “the Way”. Much knowledge between the two was exchanged. The Therapeuti lived in Alexandria Egypt and the Essenes in Palestine, the Dead Sea area. Pythagorean and Orphic teachings were shared which influenced a greater understanding in the message of “the Way”. God was preparing a spiritually intelligent people, getting them ready to accept the Light of the Messiah.

They came to reject the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jerusalem because of their rejection of “New Light” and their mishandling of the Holy Scriptures. The Pharisees & Sadducees were also corrupted politically and made a business out of religion, much like many fallen denominations do today. The time had come to see through all the shadows of the past and accept TRUTH, walk into the REALITY. Time to accept the true Messiah and the New Covenant – the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14)

Let us learn from our brothers and sisters who dwelt along the Jordan years ago.

We are learning the mysteries of the Jordan.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 11th 2024)


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