Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.

~ 1st Timothy 3:16


NEW: The Mystery of the Jordan

NEW: The First Church Revealed

NEW: Mystery of the True Nazoreans

NEW: The Damascus Mystery

NEW: Jesus the Nazorean



Article VI
Of New Obedience

We teach that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruits, and that it is necessary to do good works commanded by God, because of God's will, but that we should not rely on those works to merit justification before God. For remission of sins and justification is apprehended by faith, as also the voice of Christ attests: "When ye shall have done all these things, say: "We are unprofitable servants." Luke 17, 10. The same is also taught by the Fathers. For Ambrose says: "It is ordained of God that he who believes in Christ is saved, freely receiving remission of sins, without works, by faith alone."


Understand Ancient Antiochene



Important words of St Martin Luther

"In the first place, I ask that men make no reference to my name; let them call themselves Christians, not Lutherans. What is Luther? After all, the teaching is not mine [John 7:16]. Neither was I crucified for anyone [1 Cor. 1:13]. St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3,  would not allow the Christians to call themselves Pauline or Petrine, but Christian. How then should I—poor stinking maggot-fodder that I am—come to have men call the children of Christ by my wretched name? Not so, my dear friends; let us abolish all party names and call ourselves Christians, after him whose teaching we hold. The papists deservedly have a party name, because they are not content with the teaching and name of Christ, but want to be papist as well. Let them be papist then, since the pope is their master. I neither am nor want to be anyone’s master. I hold, together with the universal (catholic) church, the one universal teaching of Christ, who is our only master." [Matt. 23:8]. (LW 45:70-71)


God Relationship: Knowing the True God

Holy, Holy, Holy - Audrey Assad


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  •   Dear Lord, I have realized that I am a sinner by your grace. I ask for your forgiveness through the person of Jesus Christ. I believe and ...

Above: Eric & Ed kneeling in front of Patriarchs & Matriarchs of the First Church.


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We, nor E.W. King have any other websites or online contacts. 

This is our only official site and official contact base.

(We do still have our old BLOG here.)


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