Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
~ 1st Timothy 3:16
REVIEW: Christians Endure through Trials
NEW: A Look into God's Energies
NEW: TSW Invites All
REVIEW: Listening to Divine Intelligence
REVIEW: Do you feel like anyone is listening?
- Greek Thought & Hebrew Thought in Scripture Here Eric W. King looks at how the Greek and Hebrew thought of the time of Jesus C...
- John 15:16-19 "You Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You" Faith and Not Feeling By Eric William King I have to admi...
- We challenge you to watch the facts about the early church fathers and the pretribulation quotes on the documentary following this ar..
~ Above: Latest Christian Song pick for TSW ~
About TSW Ministry
This ministry and teachings (TSW - The Shepherds Way) only holds to the earliest church (proper) teachings, before the Great Schism which became the Roman Catholic Church & Greek Orthodox Church. We believe in the Divine Trinity and reject the praying to anybody else, body-spirit, other than God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until the Council of Trent in 1545 that the teaching on saintly intercession was officially laid down. We reject this council.
Most of our history stresses the first 451 years of the Christian Church when many of the early heresies were properly dealt with. We welcome you to study with us here and listen to all of our Nugget of Truth online lectures. We hold to and teach the Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine.
May God richly bless you. ~ E.W.King
May God richly bless you. ~ E.W.King
Christian Mysteries Unfolded
- The Edenic Dispensation (The First Dispensation) By Eric William King The studies on the First Dispensation go deep. We must...
- Ancient Antiochene Mysteries Part Twenty-two “Shadows of the Reality.” By presbyter Eric William King (August 29 th 2024) God h...
Get Biblical Knowledge
- The Beast of Revelation Three things that the Antichrist will control 1-Media 2-Education 3-Our entire Court system Stay watchful about....
- Death of the Apostles How the Christians left to be with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Read: The Neglected History of Women...
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