Friday, February 7, 2025

Antiochene Christian Contemplations ~ E.W. King


Antiochene Christian Contemplations


From some of the writings of Eric William King

Founder of TSW & Nugget of Truth

“As true Christians we serve Divine Intelligence, the only true God [Hashem]. Throughout all the Aeon’s our God exists and fills all things. In Him we live, move, and have our being. (Acts 17:28) In the silence of His spiritual presence, we breathe and come to understanding. (Psalm 46:10) We serve the Almighty.” (From: “Coming into Space”, By Eric William King – Aug. 3rd 2044)

“Eventually many saints will return and rule with Christ as kings and priests for 1000 years on a restored planet Earth to fulfill the Davidic Covenant in our current Space-Time Continuum.” (From: “Introduced to the Heavens”, By Eric William King – 2024)

“As for those who reject the resurrection of the body, they do not understand that the entire Pleroma will be renewed, at the Restoration of All-things. This will include glorified bodies. St. Paul confirms this under inspiration. There will be New Heavens and a New Earth. We worship the True God”, From: “This, we hold to.”, By Eric William King – Aug. 4th 2024)

“Satan is the craftsman of this Fallen Matrix - these lower heavens in which ye dwell. The world has become blinded by the senses. Most all seek short term pleasure in the feelings and the senses. The material world feeds the fallen senses as if throwing vomit forth to feed pigs. The material world has but mere shadows of the pristine realities awaiting the saints. It is through the true Christian knowledge which comes out of the Ancient Antiochene Church of God that gives articulation and explanation of the true human condition.”, From: “Rebuke Materialism”, By Eric William King – 2024)

“The Greek word used by Apostle Paul for “dispensation” is oikonomia and it basically means a specific economy [order] of time, a dispensed amount of time. Biblically, we say that a dispensation represents a period of time in which Humanity is tested in respect to a revelation [message] given by God to man. The revelation is a condition or covenant that God reveals, a covenant that should be kept between Humans (specifically Israel) and God.” From: “the Dispensational Mysteries”, By Eric William King – Sept. 4th 2024)

“We believe that this Seventh Angel has appeared and “sounded” (Exodus 23:20-22). We read in Revelation ch.10 that “in the days of the voice of the Seventh Angel, the mystery should be finished”. There is no “trumpet” mentioned here in the original Greek – this is not a trumpet angel. This angel is the Seventh Angel to Laodicea sounding the final “Seventh Message”. The King James renders this verse correctly. It reads that the “mystery should be finished” once the final church massage is given but it still has time yet to go forth until those in the church that need the “seal” get “the Seal”.” (From: “The Mystery of the Sealing Message”, By Eric William King – Oct. 21st 2024)

“We do not witness an impersonal God while witnessing creation. We see and experience relationship. We witness “active” and “passive” relationships in the things of Chemistry. In the human and animal kingdom we have the “male” and “female” relationship. The natural law of attraction denotes that God’s love also permeates everything.” (From: The Antiochene Mystery of Oneness”, By Eric William King – Dec. 17th 2024)

“We read the fact that Israel and Judah stayed separate and had their own kings. The capitol of Judea was the city of Jerusalem and the capital of Israel was Samaria. When we read about Samaria in prophecy it is always a reference to Israel and not Judah. Even though geographical Israel became again a legitimate nation (old Israel which included Jerusalem) on May 14th 1948 the fact is literal Israel (originally headed by Ephraim & Manasseh’s descendants) remains separate from Judah and will until the great ingathering at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.” (From: “Identifying Israel”, By Eric William king – 2024)

“There was a pre-Adamite Earth (earth before Adam & Eve). Lucifer (Satan) and his angels were in charge of the planet long ago. Satan rebelled and brought destruction on the first world. The geographical earth-plates shifted during this first great rebellion. The earth literally became “without form & void”. We have Scripture which confirms that Lucifer once walked in the Garden of Eden and he was still without sin, he was here before this great destruction.” (From: “The First Earth”, By Eric William King – 2022)

“Jesus warned that right before He returned it would be “like in the days of Noah”. (Matthew 24:37-42) During this time the “daughters of men” were being “given in marriage” to the Hans-Nephilim (angelic beings not from our planet). We see this happening today through all of the so called “extraterrestrial abduction” cases. This along with other strange demonic activity being witnessed on our planet shows that the “fallen spirits of the air” are already here. These beings along with the Kenites make for an interesting planet.” (From: “The Antediluvian Dispensation”, By Eric William King – June 2nd 2020)

“A war broke out in three heavens; Earth’s atmosphere, outer space, and the spiritual realm. Lucifer and one third of his followers lost their attempt at ‘take over’ and were no longer regularly allowed into the third heaven but were confined to outer space and earth’s atmosphere. Of course, they all lost their glorified physical bodies in the spiritual battle. Some of the fallen ones today try and get into human souls (psyches) to experience embodiment which is something that they miss. The process in which the fallen ones do this is called “demonic possession”.” (From: “The Planet Odyssey”, By Eric William King – 2020)

“God says not to be turned to “spirit mediums” (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27). God condemns people who try and contact dead things. God warns that those who practice such things will go to hell (Revelation 21:8; 22:15). All forms of contacting the dead are condemned by Divine Intelligence (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). To go to something other than God to find answers is just another excuse to ignore SIN. “(From: “Exposing Spiritism” By Eric William King, 2022)

“The true Christian understands the fallen-nature of Humanity and the fact that we are all living in the Fallen Matrix. We must never expect perfection down here – in the Fallen Matrix. What we can expect from God is undeserved kindness, mercy, forgiveness and love. God knows how to judge properly, we do not. This is why we must be guided by His word every day. Our wisdom must be divinely inspired.” (From: “Self-righteous Trap” By Eric William King – May 29th 2024)

“When we talk about affirmations of God, we are talking about specific certainties in understanding God. This would be what we refer to as a cataphatic (more literal) understanding – using human senses and human reason in our theological understandings. However, when we begin to talk about the abstract aspects of God – the mysterious God, or “mysteries” of God – now we enter paradox and apophatic theology.” (From: “Understanding Apophatic & Cataphatic Theology” By Eric William King – 2024)

“Everything under the Sea of Glass is the created realm. The Pleroma contains all of creation, the first Four Heavens – everything under the “Sea of Glass”. God’s uncreated energies work in and throughout the Pleroma. Paradise is actually the last “created heaven” before one cross’ the Sea of Glass and into the Eternal Heavens.” (From: “Threefold Progression” By Eric William King – 2024)

“Exoteric”, or practical alchemy was the attempted chemistry of trying to create gold by mixing the right metals and “stuff” – the prima materia. “Esoteric” alchemy was the transmutation of the Human soul into precious-spiritual-perfection – a mystical or philosophical alchemy.” (From: “A Glimpse at Antiochene Alchemy” By Eric William King – 2025)

“The Bible teaches that when a nation forgets it’s God it has chosen a downward course. Today we see less and less Christians in America. There is so much disrespect for others amongst her people. God has warned over and over in His word what happens to a nation that once trusted Him but now chooses to ignore and forget Him.” (From: “The Degeneration of a Nation” By Eric William King – July 19th 2020)

“Undisciplined churches attack ministers who, though imperfect, are teaching the Word of God. They are threatened by the Truth. God’s word exposes them all as hypocrites. It is always easy (sissy la la) to attack the “messengers” instead of listening to the Truth of the message. All practicing sinners (Christians who refuse to grow) look for excuses.” (From: “Exposing Silent Christians” By Eric William King – Aug. 12th 2020)


To visit all of Eric’s teachings, lectures, and articles please visit us at:

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