Saturday, February 8, 2025

Understand the Dispensations ~ TSW


Antiochene Outline of the Dispensations

It is very important for all Christians to understand the basic Seven Dispensations. Here is a basic outline which defines them. Listed under this are articles for you to further understand this important topic.

A basic outline of the First Dispensation looks something like this;

Edenic Responsibility: Genesis 1:26-28

Edenic Failure: Genesis 3:1-6

Edenic Judgment: Genesis 3:7-19


A basic outline of the Second Dispensation looks something like this;

Antediluvian Responsibility: Genesis 3:5,7,22; 4:4

 Antediluvian Failure: Genesis 6:5-6, 11-12

 Antediluvian Judgment: Genesis 6:7; 7:11-14

*Using Biblical chronology this dispensation lasted 1656 years.


A basic outline of the Third Dispensation looks something like this;

Post-Diluvian Responsibility: Genesis 8:15-9; ch.7

Post-Diluvian Failure: Genesis 11:1-4

Post-Diluvian Judgment: Genesis 11:5-9

*Using Biblical chronology this dispensation lasted 427 years.


A basic outline of the Fourth Dispensation looks something like this;

Patriarchal Responsibility: Genesis 12:1-7

Patriarchal Failure: Genesis 12:10; 46:6

Patriarchal Judgment: Exodus 1:8-14


A basic outline of the Fifth Dispensation looks something like this;

Legal Responsibility: Exodus 19:3-8

 Legal Failure: 2 Kings 17:7-20; Matthew 27:1-25

 Legal Judgment: Deuteronomy 28:63-66; Luke 21:20-24

*Using Biblical chronology this dispensation lasted 1491 plus years.


A basic outline of the Sixth Dispensation looks something like this;

Ecclesiastical Responsibility: John 1:12; Romans 8:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9

 Ecclesiastical Failure: John 5:39-40; 2nd Timothy 3:1-7

 Ecclesiastical Judgment: 2nd Thessalonians 2:3; 2nd Timothy 4:3


The Seventh Dispensation will be the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ and His true Saints on restored Planet Earth.


To further your understanding of the Dispensations please read our articles listed below:

 *The Three Earth Ages

*The First Earth

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