Saturday, February 1, 2025

All Christians invited to the Revelation of Jesus Christ ~ TSW


Christians Invited to the Revelation

By Presbyter, Eric William King

~February 1st 2025


People who claim that Christianity “contains no mysteries” are very incorrect. The Apostle Paul uses the word “mystery” and “mysteries” when he describes some of the Christian teachings, especially those directly about Jesus Christ. Take the “Book of Revelation” for instance, this is a mystery book to almost all Christians. People don’t understand it.

The Greek word used; “Revelation” means to “unveil” to “reveal”. Jesus Himself states that those who read the book and “keep” [understand] those things written in it, will be blessed. Jesus gives special and direct counsel to Seven Churches. Every message in Revelation that is listed in “sevens” is progressional. Thus, even the counsel to the Seven Churches represents the Christian Church throughout time as it has grown and changed and gone through many trials. In other words, the seven churches cover seven epochs of time.

Jesus says to all seven churches; “He who has an ear, let him hear.” Are we listening? We can in fact understand the book of Revelation. Jesus Himself has opened this scroll unto us. Each problem or praise announced for the churches has something to do with what we should learn. Does your church teach these important counsels and what they mean for us today? If not, why?

The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” has been teaching the Revelation of Jesus Christ and will continue, by God’s grace and mercy, to do so. Though the “Book of Revelation” was written in 95 AD its content contains prophetic information leading up all the way to the end of our planet as we know it. Think that might be important?

People who say that they “believe in Jesus” also need to realize what the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” truly is. He came as a “humble lamb” the first time. He now officiates for us in heaven as our High Priest. Yet, He is returning with garments drenched in blood and many “crowns”. He comes to destroy the wicked, those who believe that they answer to no-one.

The counsels to the Seven Churches reveal the attitudes of the churches – what are they really doing. Mainstream “Christians” do not care too much about “judgment” issues.  We are thankful to God for revealing His message of this Revelation for us, His church. By studying the true history of the Church and how God has led us, we begin to understand the importance of these seven counsels and how they apply to us, the Church today.

Sadly, many of todays Christians have spiritually “fallen asleep” in this giant computer, high-tech, A.I. world. The “lukewarm” condition is prominent in most denominations today. Church attendance is low partially because no proper counsel is being given. True Christians are hungering for the depth of God’s word. Pastors today are being rushed into their positions with no good theological foundation to stand on.

Just as we have predicted here at, “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of Truth”, true Christians are starting to meet in small groups, in their own homes. Pastors are still officiating and are needed. True Christianity is not a “denomination”. Those who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and have received confirmation of their salvation in Jesus Christ may join us, God’s Church. Our only true Chief Shepherd and Overseer is God.

Having stated that, it is still important to find a local church and go when you can. It just might be that you find a healthy church, one who truly knows God’s word and teaches it. People have been reporting that they purposely find churches with “small attendance”. Why? The family spirit is more prominent there. Personal relationships are healthier at smaller congregated churches. This is why small house groups are better, if the Lord leads.

People who study here print out articles for discussion in their groups. We also have many Bible talks and lectures for all to learn from for absolutely free. Why not give us a chance to help you understand your Bible? Sadly, many churches do not want the depth of Bible studies that we give here. Humanity is hungering and thirsting for more. We welcome all who want to truly know God.

Don’t give up, remain in God’s word and amongst us, His people.

Eric William King (February 1st 2025)


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