Saturday, June 17, 2023

Daring To Trust


Daring To Trust

by Faith Jansky 

Sometimes we can feel so broken;
Misunderstood, tattered, and torn,
That it feels hard to keep trusting;
Lest we’re pierced with another thorn.

Sometimes we fear to trust our God;
For we often can’t fully see
His work and ways, though so perfect;
Or His hand, leading faithfully.

But our Shepherd King; our God;
Who holds all things in His great hand,
Calls us to trust His way, and heart,
Though we cannot now, understand.

If we could see the big picture,
And all that our God has in store,
We wouldn’t struggle so to trust,
But surely praise Him through the storm.

Can we dare to trust our Father,
Whose promises never fail?
His strong arms never grow weary,
Bearing us up, though storms assail.

Can we dare trust God’s steadfast love,
When He is taking something dear?
Will His great grace not be enough,
When the darkest of storms, is near?

Can we trust God’s great faithfulness,
When it feels we can’t go on?
Will our Shepherd leave us alone,
Without hope; just drifting along?

Can we dare to trust our Savior,
Who gave His very life for us?
He, Who never fails, or fears,
Gives strength to surrender and trust!

By Faith Jansky

Job 13:15a
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:

Psalm 18:30
As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

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