Friday, April 14, 2023

2023 Predictions for June & July (TSW)

Predictions from E.W.King

2023 Predictions for June & July 

Some new predictions from "The Shepherds Way (TSW)" for June and July of this year (2023) are as follows:

1-New Global economic problems.

In 2022 I predicted: "Some severe economic problems in America. (also some major leadership changes)" (see original post)

2-Food shortages.

In a past prediction I stated: "Well, America is in extreme drought. Over 60% of the western states are in severe drought. It is said that this portion (half) of America has not witnessed such dry times since just over 1,200 years ago. What does this mean? Seventeen of these American states provide agricultural production......but not like before. The consequences will be felt going into next summer." (see original post)

3-Earthquakes and volcanic activity.

In 2022 I predicted: "Large earthquakes. (along with strange sink holes)" (see original post)

4-New miraculous "Signs in the Heavens". Which will include UFO phenomenon on large scales.

In 2022 I predicted: "In this dream I witnessed a "space war" if you will, which involved satellites falling from the sky. The next thing I know people are running all over planet earth yelling; "World War 3 has commenced!" (see original post)

Read past UFO predictions. (click here)

I truly believe that global problems will get tricky in June & July of this year, 2023. So keep in prayer!

~Eric William King


Also Watch: "The Judgment of the Nations!"

Read some of Eric's important messages.................................

*Christians praying for Iranian women as they stand up for truth 

*Russia will soon fall apart

*Food Issues in 2024

*We have entered the Gog/Magog War as prophesied in the Bible! 

*Extreme Economic Warfare...and Earth Shakes! 

*When the Satellites fall...WW3 will Commence!

*Iran in Africa 

*Putin won't get what he wants

*The coming food shortage

*Abortion 2022

*Extreme Riots on the Way!

*Riots & Pillaging Coming 2022 & Beyond!

*Will Biden finish his term? Will illegal immigrants become US Soldiers for WW3?

*Food & Water shortages...and the Kingdom of God

*The Babylonian Cup & The Whirlwind Unfolded

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