Saturday, October 8, 2022

Free Speech & True Individuality (TSW)


Free Speech & True Individuality (TSW)

Here at TSW and Nugget of Truth I have tried to keep all Christians informed about what the Bible is saying in these Hard Times. It is truly time for Christians to not be afraid but instead to use their free speech to talk about the real issues which are occurring in this "fallen world".

We thank Kanye West for his speaking about True Free Speech and True Individuality - he is certainly helping set  a good example - we also enjoy it when we can actually hear somebody share his or her Christian faith (like Kanye West) and not be afraid!

I would like to post a section of an older article for contemplation here;

"God has made each of us individually, there is truly only ONE true you. The New Age and pagan doctrines are teaching that God really has no children and that everything which seems to be in some kind of relationship is merely illusion and that you are not “you” but you are God.".......

"As an individual you are created to discover who you are in Christ. You are a mere reflection of something much greater in the eyes of God. Each person has been gifted with personality and uniqueness. God wants to experience your individual self in proper relationship to Him. You have something to offer the family of God. You have been given a personal choice in the dimension of time and space to recognize your true condition and then to take the appropriate steps to become (accept) regenerated (regeneration), become truly born from above."

(click here to read the entire original post - December 11th 2020)

As far as what we are all witnessing in Russia regarding the predicted "Gog/Magog" war, I still teach that the first phase of this war is coming to a climax and that Putin will not get what he wants. Also, the gap or break between the first and second phase of the Gog/Magog war may last a year are more.

If God decides to show mercy He may allow the planet to somewhat recoup from all these major problems that the entire planet is facing. If you are reading and visiting this (TSW) website for the first time I urge you to watch the lecture that I gave about Russia (Russia in Prophecy - 2022). It is truly time for all Christians to begin to understand just where we are all at in Prophetic History.

Please continue your Bible studies with us here!

Eric W. King (October 8th 2022)

Read some of Eric's important messages.................................

*Russia will soon fall apart

*We have entered the Gog/Magog War as prophesied in the Bible! NEW

*Extreme Economic Warfare...and Earth Shakes! NEW

*When the Satellites fall...WW3 will Commence!

*Iran in Africa 

*Putin won't get what he wants

*The coming food shortage

*Abortion 2022

*Extreme Riots on the Way!

*Riots & Pillaging Coming 2022 & Beyond!

*Will Biden finish his term? Will illegal immigrants become US Soldiers for WW3?

*Food & Water shortages...and the Kingdom of God

*The Babylonian Cup & The Whirlwind Unfolded

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