Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Un-Holy Trinity


The Un-Holy Trinity

It has been said that; “Whatever God has the true of, Satan has the counterfeit.” We know this to be true. In the Book of Revelation, we discover that the “Beast” of Revelation 13:1-10 is the final Anti-Christ. This anti-Christ is called “the son of perdition”, he will be in fact the “son” of Satan. Satan will mimic the Triune God as he has done through ancient pagan past.

Satan is depicted as the “Dragon” in the book of Revelation and he is in fact the “father” of this final “son of perdition”. “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” has been teaching this doctrine correctly for a very long time. Right now, on planet Earth, Satan has his “seed” still producing the “fallen ones”. These fallen-ones are the Kenites, from the literal bloodline of Cain. We know from our studies about the “offspring of the Wicked One” who like to infiltrate the “Church of God”. They bring false teachings that stray away from the First Church, the “Pearl of Great Price”.

So, this “beast government” that is coming will be run by the BEAST – the “son of Satan”. This final Anti-Christ will have help, he will recruit a “lamb-like” Beast to help him secure his power. “Lamb like” because he will appear to be a friend of the Jews and those “underground” Christ followers but he will not be their true friend. This final false prophet will represent the false Holy Spirit. He will perform unbelievable “miracles” to entertain the fallen masses. Jesus warned about “false Christs” [anti-Christs] and “false prophets” [those who worship anti-Christs] (Matthew 24:24).

So, the “Dragon”, the “Beast”, and the “lamb-like Beast” will make up the FALSE TRINITY. Their number is 666. Why? Because original mankind and all the other animals were “created” on the 6th Yom, or “day”. Six represents all of “creation” (on our planet). Those who turn away from God begin to worship creation or a created “being” rather than God. Three sixes represent the Fake Trinity. To take that “mark” is to agree with the Anti-Christ, the “son of Satan”. Only those who truly accept Jesus the Christ will be able to endure what is to come. God’s “sealed” (Ephesians 4:30) children will have accepted the Counsel to Laodicea, though it was hard to do, by God’s grace and the power of the true Holy Spirit they make it through.

There are many anti-Christs even now but there is a final one coming. The Church is here to “hold back” the “Great Tribulation” until God’s final children are “sealed”. Right now, in this Seventh Church Epoch we are proclaiming the Seventh Message. It is time to truly understand just where we all are in Prophetic History.

It is time to truly understand.

Eric William King (March 1st 2025)

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