A Look into God’s Energies
By presbyter Eric William
January 16th,
who have studied at TSW with us have built a good foundation of
understanding both the macro-world and the micro-world of their
being. As maturing Christians, we begin to become much more conscious of
both our inner and outer environment. In this short article I would like to
give a simple understanding of realized facts regarding energy, force
and creation.
The Ancient Antiochene Christians understood
correctly that the Triune God is a “person”, a Divine Intelligence.
Thus, He was made out of a “divine essence” they termed ousia. Nothing can share in this “Divine Essene” because creation (things
created) are not God. God as “ousia” is in everything and is everywhere but
nothing is in it. This is a paradox.
Many New Age
schools of spirituality teach that all life is a “part” of this Divine Essence.
This would make everything and everybody a part of God. The Scriptures
do not teach this. God’s creation is separate from being God. As a
matter of fact, the Bible teaches that the creation that we are experiencing is
infected with sin, something
that God is not.
The “Good
News” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that now, in this Church
Dispensation, God is inviting Humans to become “partakers of the Divine
Nature”. How? Through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus
Christ, we (Christians) have been given the “deposit”
of the Holy Spirit which now seals us from the inside out,
making us legitimate “children of God.”
Regarding God’s
energy, we believe that God has “uncreated energies”. How these are
exactly broken down we will never know. His energy is infinite and expanding.
There is a point where all that we perceive in our created world is connected
to God and that is through His “nous”.
What is nous? [Greek word] It is the power, force, and energy emanating from
God [From Keter - source] manifesting vibrations at undetectable levels and
various speeds which holds all matter together in infinitesimal manifestations
of God’s Cosmic Law.
God’s power
possesses within itself the power to manifest anything and all-things as
it “pleases the Lord.” So yes, there is a place where God “touches” all of His
creation. At the quantum level particles do not exist in a definite state so
how is anything orderly coming forth from this “mystic soup”? There
seems to be invisible waves holding “superpositions” which determines
what matter becomes. God is the “mind” behind all things - waves.
These superpositions
of infinitesimal particles become nothing when dissected – literally stuff
moving around in “nothing” – appearing, disappearing – relocating. Who can
understand the mind of God? This substance, as it dips into and controls all
matter, creates ORDER in all the things of creation – Behold, Cosmic Law. We
teach that it is important for Christians to understand God’s natural laws
and respect them, especially now when we witness mankind using these laws to
create bad things. Cosmic Laws should be used by us to serve Divine
I hope that you
continue to study with us here at “The Shepherds
Way” and “Nugget of Truth”.
We are learning
more about our Wonderful and Beautiful God – YHVH.
Eric William
King (January 16th, 2025)
All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.
"First we must try and explain just who our monotheistic God is. He is ONE yet He is also three persons. We call this the “three persons of the Godhead”. The word “trinity” is not in the original Scriptures but the word Godhead is and it basically means the same thing and that is we worship one God in three persons. The true ancient Christians understood that God is three hypostasis – individuals."
"These three persons of the Godhead are of one substance (ousia). The Greek word for substance is ousia and it can more accurately mean for us essence. As God’s creation we may never become His essence but we may partake of it through His energies. This happens in the person who truly becomes regenerate (“born from above” or “born again”). The Christian is “born again” and has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and thus becomes a “partaker of the Divine Nature”. The Christian begins to grow in his faith through the process of theosis to achieve apotheosis (true oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord)."
"The regenerate Christian lives in two matrixes, the Fallen Matrix and the Divine Matrix."
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