Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.

~ 1st Timothy 3:16


READ NEW ARTICLE: Spiritual Food being Rejected

NEW: Awake Christian!

NEW: The Mystery of the Body, Soul, & Spirit

NEW: Will we Repair the Wall?

READ: Staying prepared for Food Shortages




Article VI
Of New Obedience

We teach that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruits, and that it is necessary to do good works commanded by God, because of God's will, but that we should not rely on those works to merit justification before God. For remission of sins and justification is apprehended by faith, as also the voice of Christ attests: "When ye shall have done all these things, say: "We are unprofitable servants." Luke 17, 10. The same is also taught by the Fathers. For Ambrose says: "It is ordained of God that he who believes in Christ is saved, freely receiving remission of sins, without works, by faith alone."



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Important words of St Martin Luther

"In the first place, I ask that men make no reference to my name; let them call themselves Christians, not Lutherans. What is Luther? After all, the teaching is not mine [John 7:16]. Neither was I crucified for anyone [1 Cor. 1:13]. St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3,  would not allow the Christians to call themselves Pauline or Petrine, but Christian. How then should I—poor stinking maggot-fodder that I am—come to have men call the children of Christ by my wretched name? Not so, my dear friends; let us abolish all party names and call ourselves Christians, after him whose teaching we hold. The papists deservedly have a party name, because they are not content with the teaching and name of Christ, but want to be papist as well. Let them be papist then, since the pope is their master. I neither am nor want to be anyone’s master. I hold, together with the universal (catholic) church, the one universal teaching of Christ, who is our only master." [Matt. 23:8]. (LW 45:70-71)


God Relationship: Knowing the True God

Holy, Holy, Holy - Audrey Assad


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  •   Dear Lord, I have realized that I am a sinner by your grace. I ask for your forgiveness through the person of Jesus Christ. I believe and ...

Above: Eric & Ed kneeling in front of Patriarchs & Matriarchs of the First Church.


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We, nor E.W. King have any other websites or online contacts. 

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Spiritual Food being Rejected ~ TSW


Spiritual Food being Rejected

The Prophecy of Ezekiel Four

(What transpires within 390 Days)

By Eric William King

~October 14th 2024~


In Ezekiel 4:9-17 we find an interesting passage of Scripture. It is a parable which is applicable for our time. Ezekiel gives a story regarding “defiled bread”. He is shown six different sorts of food that could be used in bread making. The Ancient Antiochene Church of God teaches that each one of these represents the spiritual food given to each dispensation. Since the beginning of the Christian Church, we are in the sixth dispensation, thus, these foods point to an understanding of the first six dispensations and the mysteries that God reveals within each one.

God told the prophet Ezekiel;

“But as for you, take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, put them in one vessel and make them into bread for yourself: you shall eat it according to the number of the days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days.” (Ezek. 4:9)

These seven are:








The difference in these ingredients represents all different kinds of people that God is reaching within each dispensation. We could say that they all come from the same “soil”. God also sometimes represents people by using “trees” (Ezek. Ch.31). To show the weakness of man God calls man “grass” (1st Peter 1:24).

These ingredients given to the prophet Ezekiel also show the scarcity of food during hard times. The small amounts that Ezekiel is instructed to eat represents a rationing of food. God’s spiritual food throughout all dispensations is scarce due to its lack of popularity.

Ezekiel was instructed to put them into one vessel – each Truth builds upon the other. This vessel represents God’s church. Each food also represents a spiritual doctrine or teaching that was important to each dispensation. For our current (6th) dispensation the Truth is the Message to the Laodicean Church (The Entire 7th Message). During each dispensation of time God brought new Truth to His people. As representing the Seven Dispensations we see that each time was opened with a new covenant, each dispensation being introduced by a new agreement that God made with His people. We are currently in the “Church” dispensation so we are in the sixth (spelt) time. We are to expect “new light” for our time.

In the ancient world “spelt” was used to create cereal. In fact, it was the chief cereal for ancient Egypt in the days of Moses. This describes the state of the current church epoch (7th), that of Laodicea. The Christian Church has entered its “Spiritual Egypt” and has “fallen asleep”. Most Christians are “eating” contaminated doctrine, “Egyptian cereal”. The watered-down doctrines and false doctrines which have entered Christendom are major. Only the final sealing angel can help God’s church at this “spelt” time. The church must learn and accept the message for our dispensation - the Seventh Message.

This points to the fact that dispensational theology is correct theology. The reason why this “spiritual” food becomes a corrupt bread is because the true doctrines have become over run by false doctrine and treated like dirt. Ezekiel the prophet was instructed to mix all six ingredients into a bread dough and bake it over a fire made with “human dung”, this is what makes it unclean. The human dung represents fallen human “reasoning” and corruption entering the septenary mysteries – to defile the mystery doctrines of the Seven Dispensations and in many cases, completely do away with them.

Today the corrupt Shepherds [Pastors] have replaced true dispensational theology with “replacement theology” and “amillennialism” – both originating with the Roman Harlot. The false doctrines regarding “baptism”, the “sacraments” and other issues have also become obnoxious.

As God’s children, we are never to think that all of our understandings are infallible. It is okay to have ones own personal opinion regarding certain things, but in the end we must all agree with what God SAYS and what HE REVEALS.

God promises His children: “In the last days you will clearly understand it.” (Jeremiah 23:20)

God goes on to reveal in this prophecy:

“Then the LORD said, “Thus will the sons of Israel eat their bread unclean among the nations where I will banish them.” (Ezek. 4:13)

Today literal and spiritual Israel is scattered abroad. Right before the “rapture” or “catching away” of the church, God is sending His final message to the Laodicean Church. Many will assemble around it and ultimately true Israel will be regathered. The “remnant” will become more purified as we approach the Great Tribulation (Proverbs 4:18).

The churches today are losing members not because of the Truth but because of lack of Truth. The fallen denominations are afraid to speak the Truth. They think that it will make them loose even more members. The fact is the true sheep are starving for the Gospel Truth. Instead, they go to a church and get fed politically correct dung. They are starving.

Where are those like the martyrs of old who were “not ashamed of the gospel”? The Lord has warned; “The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the LORD; so, they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered.” (Jeremiah 10:21) God also warns that; “In that day seven women [seven churches] will take hold of one man [Jesus Christ] and say, “We will eat our own food [false doctrine] and provide our own clothes; [false righteousness] only let us be called by your name [Christian in name only]. Take away our disgrace!” (Isaiah 4:1) This passage goes on to say that only the true survivors who have trusted in the Branch [Yeshua] and His kingdom [Davidian] shall prosper.

Ezekiel responds to all of this; “…Ah, Lord God! Behold, I have never been defiled; for from my youth until now I have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts, nor has any unclean meat ever entered my mouth.” (Ezek. 4:14)

Remember, in this account of Ezekiel the “defiled bread” represents false doctrine, fake teachings. One must be careful that what he or she is eating spiritually is “clean” and proper doctrine - for spiritual health-sake. God, in His mercy, allows Ezekiel to bake this bread over “cow dung” instead of “human dung” (Ezek. 4:15) – thus making it clean for Ezekiel. Ezekiel represents those who accept the pure septenary mysteries. Ezekiel’s message is for us right now, today. God is allowing many [the elect] to understand this message and how it applies to what is going on currently within the churches.

We must be willing to give up old false doctrines [human dung cooked] and replace them all with the LIGHT of God’s word. Apostle Paul refers to his old spiritual ideas, when he was a Pharisee to be like “dung”. (Philippians 3:8 KJV) God goes on in Ezekiel chapter four to talk about Jerusalem’s desolation. Why are they punished? For refusing to listen to God, instead they eat the false human dung doctrines.

In Ezekiel 4:1-8 God is instructing Ezekiel to demonstrate that literal Israel and Judah would be punished being displayed by how long Ezekiel would lay on his left and right side. From verse 9 to 17 God’s gives another, more detailed instruction of an additional 390 days. In this prophecy Ezekiel is to mix and eat defiled bread. The context of the prophecy states that these 390 days are actually 390 years also.

This 390-year prophecy starts with the beginning of the birth of Christ (end of 4 B.C.) and terminates with Saint Augustine’s conversion to Christianity in 386 A.D. He was made Bishop in Hippo in 395 A.D. It demonstrates that true dispensational theology was finally rejected by St. Augustine’s introduction to replacement theology. The early Christians tried to keep true dispensationalism in the First Church (for 390 years) but failed due to the continued contamination [human dung doctrines intermingling with Truth] climaxing in St. Augustine’s complete rejection of it.

Protestants who today accept “replacement theology” do not even realize that they are accepting a doctrine of the Harlot Church. Most Christians are neither “hot” nor “cold” regarding this extremely important issue. It is the issue of our 7th Church time. The six food ingredients (first six dispensations) have now become officially rejected through contamination.

It was also during this time in the past when the Roman Church and Eastern Church were coming into power during Constantine. Many false doctrines began to be introduced into Fallen Christendom. It was at the final Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. that the true Antiochene Church went mostly underground. The Ancient Antiochene Church of God has protected the uncontaminated dispensational doctrines – protected through the “Dark Ages”. I have documented this fact in previous articles and lectures.

Most Christians in today’s churches have never even heard of “dispensational” or “replacement” theology. The result of this sad situation will bring Fallen Christianity, the world of Christendom, into agreement with the Anti-Christ and the False-prophet [False Religion]. As true Christians we are to warn those who are stuck in the fallen churches (because of their teaching contaminated doctrines). We share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and His last message to the entire church. This last message is the counsel to the Laodicean Church (Rev. 3:14-22). To know where you stand in prophetic history the dispensations must be properly understood. This is why Jesus instructed us to “stay awake!”.  Most Christians do not even know what dispensation they are living in. This is sad.

In this Seventh Church Period, that of Laodicea, we are to seek out the “gold refined [tried] by fire” that we might become “spiritually rich” and “clothed in pure white clothes” - no false doctrine - spiritually pure doctrine only. (Revelation 3:14-22) We must remain “the light of the world”. (1st Thess. 5:5)

Even the prophet Daniel saw this time of Laodicea. God informed him that many would; “…be purged and purified, refined, but the wicked will act wickedly. They will not understand.” (Daniel 12:10) Daniel states that all of this will be going on because of “unsealed prophecy”. (Daniel 12:4)

We, as Christians, do have unchanging Truth. Jesus is LORD. That is a static Truth. While there are eternal Truths it is also true that new aspects of Truth [unsealed Truth] are continually being revealed to the growing child of God’s Word. Our knowledge of the LORD only increases as we remain in proper relationship with Him. The fool states that he knows “it all” and that he has “heard everything”. Christians are commanded to test what they hear carefully, not quickly.

“What a shame – yes, how stupid! – to decide before knowing the facts!” (Proverbs 18:13)

Family pressures, pressures from fellow Christians, inner conflict and fear of persecution all can stop or slow down our personal growth. When new truths are placed before us from God’s word, we must carefully weigh them before the Word of God – and all the facts. It is very true that most all refuse to accept change, it can make one feel extremely uncomfortable. These are spiritual growing pains. Many of us who study God’s word find ourselves attaching to favorite Bible teachers. We may agree with them on many points but then one point comes up, and well – hhhhmmm.

Unfortunately, the Laodicean church is the picture of the Christian Church today. (Revelation 3:14-22) In the book of Revelation Jesus shows us seven churches, each church is given specific counsel to heed (learn/obey). These seven churches typify the condition of the Christian Church throughout our space/time continuum. So, understand, that we are in the 6th dispensation and that is what many refer to as the “Church Age”. The “age” of the church is itself broken down into seven-time phases or “epochs” – since 1900 A.D., we have entered the 7th Epoch of the Church. This 7th epoch of the Church is called Laodicean. All mysteries outlined in “sevens” mentioned in the book of Revelation are progressive in their unfolding (the septenary mysteries). This includes the counsel to the “seven churches”.

“And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified Seven Times.” (Psalm 12:6)

The problems expressed in all seven churches overlaps into the next church period, so all counsel to the seven churches is relevant even today, to one degree or another. Predominately the Christian Church as of 1900 AD (CE) is in the seventh church period, that of Laodicea.

Antiochene Church Records

Our early Antiochene Church records show that the Antiochene church understood the seven churches of Revelation ch.2-3 to represent consecutive periods in ecclesiastical history. One of our earliest records of this understanding can be found in the words of martyr Victorinus, Bishop Pettau (303AD). A current conservative list which shows what time period each church has dominated could be listed as such:

The Seven Churches….

Ephesus – apostolic church (AD 30 – 100)

Smyrna –persecuted church (AD 100-313)

Pergamos – patristic period/state church (AD 313-590)

Thyatira – papal church (AD 590-1517)

Sardis – reformed church/protestant movement (AD 1517-1730)

Philadelphia – missionary church (AD 1730 – 1900)

Laodicea – apostate church/time of the “Whirlwind Prophecy” – war & material epoch begins (AD1900-?)

When John the apostle wrote the book of Revelation (AD 95-96) there were way more than just these seven churches in existence but God chose these seven as examples as pictures of the church in and throughout time. Christianity was already 60 years old when John wrote the book of Revelation. The Jewish system had already received its destruction in AD 70. Now John was shown the future direction of the Church - typified in and through seven churches.

As of the year 1900 AD we have entered the seventh and final phase of the church – the seventh church period known as the Laodicean Era.  (This based on the historic records of the church – documented by our 20th Century Church Fathers.)

"The character of the Church today is Laodicean, and as the Laodicean Period is to continue until the Church of the "New Born" is taken out, we cannot hope for any great change until the Lord comes back." ~ C. Larkin (
Many good protestant churches hold to this Truth today.)


These mysteries - found and properly taught - in God’s word are never to be taken lightly. “So then, men ought to regard us (apostles) as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God.” (1 Corinthians 4:1)


In this Laodicean Period of the Christian church Jesus is doing something…He is knocking at your door. Do you hear Him? (Revelation 3:20) (Proverbs 3:5-6) God has stirred up a spiritual storm on this planet…through this storm Jesus is giving THE KNOCK!


We are immersed in what the Ancient Antiochene Church calls; “the Whirlwind Prophecy!The storm has begun! (Jeremiah 25:12-38)


As true Christians it is time to accept the pure doctrine of Sola Scriptura. It is time to follow the Shepherds Way…our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We must obey God above man. (Acts 5:29)


Now: Today the church finds itself broken apart into denominationalism. (Acts 20:28-31) The Laodicean period started in AD 1900 and continues on into our time. (2nd Peter 3:3-4) Here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” we teach that after the first 400 years of the church (during the Pergamos Period) Satan introduced the false Christianity by melding the church and state (creating a religio-political system). Also, the Babylonian mystery religions infiltrated the church. The “world of sectarianism” began. (The Nicolaitans infiltrated the church – Revelation 2:15)

The “Babylonian Cup” started to enter the church during the Pergamos Period. Through the modern ecumenical movement this cup has entered in fullness. We are now officially in the Whirlwind Prophecy. (Jeremiah 25:12-38)

Today the false teachings are blossoming in America through all of the fallen denominations. This is the Laodicean condition of the church. It is no longer a big deal to have distorted views about Jesus and the Bible. As long as you call yourself “Christian” everything is okay. These false teachings have entered the theological schools and “New Agepsychology has become the “new world religion”. Today those caught in the fallen world of Christendom are being called OUT of Babylon! God’s word is calling them out.

God wants to keep His children free from false worship. Why? Because true worship has to do with proper relationship. If one truly loves God, he or she will also hate that which is displeasing to God. We (as true children of God) are commanded to stay away from those who out-right hate God. (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17)

Distancing oneself from old religious practices and teachings that are false can bring problems. Close friends and even relatives may oppose such a change in your lifestyle. To become a true Christian, one must truly count the cost. (Matthew 10:32-37)

The true Christian Church has the WORD of God.

Our attitude toward the Scriptures (the Christian Bible) governs our conceptions and conclusions. We hold to Sola Scriptura (the Bible Alone). (Proverbs 30:6) Our teachings do not allow for additions or subtractions from God’s word. All of our biblical doctrine must be found in Scripture and taught from Scripture.  Having stated that, we also recognize the importance of understanding other things such as the Seven Rules of Biblical Interpretation which help substantiate additional facts, also using historical facts and factual archeology.


Please stay with us here at “The Shepherds Way”. We truly believe that we have the food that the Laodicean church needs to awaken. We have been blessed to have the pure connection with the first Antiochene Church. Study God’s word with us as often as you can. Learn the doctrines - become “sealed with the Truth”. (Isaiah 8:16; Ephesians 1:13-14) Learn just where we are in prophetic history. Learn and understand the Whirlwind Prophecy. (Jeremiah 25:32; 23:19-20)

Through the Whirlwind Prophecy the false-Christians are being exposed. (Jeremiah 25:32-38; 1st Peter 4:17) God is “sifting” His people.

God has promised His true children; “In the last days you will clearly understand it.” (Jeremiah 23:20)

Praying for all the saints…resting in my Savior Jesus Christ…

Eric William King (October 14th 2024)

NOTE: Some of this is including portions of older articles written by E.W. King. Eric is the teacher of “The Seventh Message”.


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Also, as of October 10th 2024 we are starting our Seventh Year of this extremely important ministry – “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”. Praise God!

Eric covers the History of how Doctrine was Protected.


Here E.W. King gives a list of early Christians who protected true doctrine.

Above: Watch and listen. Eric gives history of important doctrines.

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