Thursday, May 30, 2024

Searching for Truth


Searching for Truth

By Eric William King (May 30th 2024)

Many today search on the internet to find the latest "spiritualist" or "psychologist" to find the answers to their personal issues. Going only to Human "logic" and biological truth (trusting the flesh). Searching for truth by going to created beings is certainly limited. The fact is, only Divine Intelligence has ultimate Truth.

It is true that we are spiritual-beings. We should thus go to the ultimate Spirit (Holy Spirit) to find the answers that are real, answers that deal with reality. We may find ourselves, sometimes, looking in every direction and to anyone and everyone to find the solutions to our personal problems. Most of the time this makes things worse. Confusion sets in, no straight answer to the questions we are looking for. Everybody has a “theory”.

To begin the true search for God we must first become honest with ourselves. This means that we must no longer be over attracted to the advice of others when it comes to “what’s best for you”. If we find ourselves not knowing what to do or where to go, we should immediately pray. Effective prayer also means that we are daily reading God’s word. It is in and through God’s word that the answers come.

We need to stop comparing ourselves to others. It is no good to put yourself down. As a Christian, learn to treat yourself as you would treat others you love. Jesus said; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” [Matthew 22:37-40] Also, morality is key to making right decisions. Whose morality? True morality is not something that we as Humans decide on, true morality is something that Divine Intelligence – God – instructs us with from His word. God then impowers us to live morally through the power of the Holy Spirit. Persecution will come when you truly begin to practice your Christian faith but that is simply proof that you are truly Born from Above.

So, learn to turn all of your problems over to God. Stay in fellowship with other Christians. Give yourself time to learn what God wants you to do and then follow through in complete faith in the Almighty God.

My prayer for you today is that you begin to truly TRUST in God – be sensitive to the problems of others and keep all in prayer.

By Eric William King (May 30th 2024)

Remain with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.


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