Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Point of Purpose." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Forty-three

“Point of Purpose.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 21st 2024)

Here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” I teach what I call Ancient Antiochene Christianity. I do not try and prop-up any Christian denomination or “independent” church. My goal is to teach true Christianity testing everything by the Word of God and historical facts.

Part of my mission is to get Bible readers (students) to see and sense their own belief system, become conscious of “why” and “what” they may believe in. Today’s Christians have many more questions than you might think. I welcome all to share their intellectual and spiritual gifts.

It is true that I feel safe using the Seven Ancient Antiochene Rules of Interpretation along with the background and history of the early church – mostly the first 451 years of the Christian Church [the Patristic Period]. All Christians who visit this ministry can take from it what they believe God reveals to them. My research is aided by the Antiochene Library and insight from many Bible scholars and students.  I offer simple lectures, Bible teaching, and articles for free, providing a free accessible history into early Christian doctrines.

Some of what is taught here at TSW may seem strange and odd to many American Christians who have been isolated from the truth about early Christian history. This is why it is extremely important to understand early Christian history. We begin to understand and see how the Holy Spirit led the early church through 2000 years of differing cultures and traditions. Even today Christianity has taken on its own form right here in the United States. I believe that I hold to the First Church and its original Teachings. I also believe in spiritual expansion through revelation, personal growth and insight from the Word of God. I believe that I have been commissioned to share what I know with the elect.

From its earliest days Christianity has had to contend with false teachers and heretical dogma. Apostle Paul warned about apostasy in almost all of his letters. It is very important for today’s Christians to understand the times of the early apostles and how the early Church dealt with specific heresies. Understanding some patristic history, early writings, and historical facts we arrive at a much clearer vision of our Christian faith. I teach and believe that we are experiencing the Seventh Church Epoch – that of Laodicea.

Apostate propaganda is spread all over the place. It is up to each Christian to truly test the Truth’s presented to him or her. When one reads the counsels given to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation one must understand the cultural issues of these troubles and the early beliefs of those trying to confuse Christians – they still exist. So, it is good to take doctrinal counsel from Scripture. I try to promote honest and engaging discussions from God’s word. In todays fallen world, much of what people call “spirituality” is laughed at, and for good reason. But even in today’s world of materialism and scientific dominance, there are still many sincere and intelligent people who are still passionately interested in what I have to share.

The Bible states that “the heavens declare the glory of God”. Look up at the clear nighttime sky, do you begin to see just how big God is? Almighty power and wisdom constantly surrounds us. I am here to listen, learn, and share.

The Word of God contains mystical and supernatural realities which to most people are kept secret. In the times when we need “vision” the most - will we not open our eyes and ears? Why does God exist? Who or what is God? How does the idea of God influence us? From philosophy, to atheism, to beliefs in a “higher power” – we still all exist and have to deal with each moment of life. I encourage you to take the challenge and study Ancient Antiochene Mysteries- Christianity. The enlightenment is well worth it. Here I teach complex truths reduced into simple bite-size snacks – to satisfy your spiritual appetite.

Finally, a Christianity that is not afraid of questions. A Christianity that truly digs a bit deeper. A Christianity that is not afraid to get a little scraped up to finish the job. Study here and begin your transformation. Become a true Child of Light – become a true Child of God.

It is my hope that this ministry (The Shepherds Way & Nugget of Truth) will inspire you to go deeper into God’s precious word and find the answers that you are looking for. We will continue to teach, preach, and most importantly LIVE the messages from God’s word revealed to us.

May God continue to bless your studies.

Continuing to pray for all those true seekers to receive their Salvation in Jesus Christ.

We love the LORD.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 21st 2024)



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