Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"The Mystery of the Kingdom Transition." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Forty-five

“The Mystery of Kingdom Transition.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 24th 2024)

The Seven Seals cannot be properly understood by humans unless "the Lamb of God" opens them for him or her. Past prophets of God wrote as they were instructed by the Holy Spirit. The prophets of God write the words of the Holy Spirit. Should we not listen? (2nd Chronicles 36:15,16)

The Seven Sealed Scroll is written on the "front" and "backside" - the Old and New Testament (Revelation 5:1). It is "open" to the Elect of God but closed to the Kenites and lost souls of this planet. For most of the planet, the Bible is "sealed", closed to their understanding (hearing) - [Mathew 13:11-15; 1st Corinthians 2:6-8].

At the "appointed time" Jesus the Christ was born. God always does things at the "appointed time". Do you know where you stand in Prophetic History? If not, you do not understand the "appointed time". (Daniel 8:19)

The entire planet has become “Babylon the Great”. The politicians and rulers have drunk from the “cup of abomination” (Jeremiah 25:15,16; Psalm 75:8). This latter-day Babylon includes fallen Christendom. First, the Church will be raptured, then just as ancient Koresh freed Judah from ancient Babylon, so the coming David will lead the 144,000 to Jerusalem and set up the theocratic Davidian throne so that when Jesus returns the “throne of His father David” will be given Him (Luke1:32,33; Matthew 25:31).

This “David to come” is prophesied of in Scripture. He will be part of the 144,000 and the organizer of the Saints at Jerusalem before Armageddon starts. He will be of the true bloodline of David and will be the one to hold the throne on Earth for Jesus to claim at the setting up of the Millennial Kingdom. The Antichrist and his army will surround David and the saints to try and destroy them. I have articles and lectures regarding this very important issue. This is a sacred doctrine of the early First Church. This is a mystery [secret] that most Christians are not aware of - yet it is found in Sola Scriptura.

You may not understand this all at once, “But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets…” (Daniel 2:28)

When Jesus the Messiah came the first-time, literal Israelites thought that He would immediately “set up” His kingdom. Jesus did not do that, instead He built His church and had Apostle Paul begin to call in all people from every kindred, race, tribe, and tongue. This church dispensation will end when the last Gentile is called in (Romans 11:25). When the church is complete then it will be Raptured up [harpotzo] thus ending the Ecclesiastical Dispensation (1st Corinthians 15:51-53).

Now, in this dispensation of grace God is calling all of His true children into “the Kingdom of God”. True Christians become ambassadors of the Kingdom message (2nd Corinthians 5:20) through the spreading of the Good News (the Gospel of Jesus Christ). In a sense this dispensation is a Parenthetical Dispensation - between the dispersion of Israel and their restoration which will completely happen at the end of the Seven Year Tribulation (Acts 3:20-22).

It is important to study and begin to understand the Book of Revelation. You cannot understand the true “Kingdom Message” without the Revelation. This means you must begin to fully understand the Seven Seals - what they represent and point to.

This is all a part of understanding the Seventh Message.

The Truth is stranger than fiction.

This is most certainly true.

-Eric William King (September 24th 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

The Literal Kingdom

Above Eric explains:

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