Saturday, June 29, 2024

Christian Contemplations


Christian Contemplations

By Eric William King

(Christian thought, compilation of E.W.King’s writings.) ~ Posted June 29th 2024

"As Christians we have begun to realize our own problems and shortcomings. We have taken a personal inventory and continue to take personal inventory every day. We have learned to remain in prayer with our Heavenly Father. Sometimes we may approach God with some un-comfortability. This is okay - we must be honest. We cannot hide anything from Divine Intelligence." ("Self-righteous Trap", By Eric William King - May 29th 2024)

"No true healing can occur in a prideful soul. It is pride that brought Lucifer down. Many of us have discovered some of our neurotic behaviors, these involve superstitious-phobias and extreme anxiety. Today many express Christian-phobia, many have a distaste for Christians and the Christian God. These phobias are brought on by misunderstandings and fear." ("Admitting our Faults", By Eric William King - June 7th 2024)

"Our minds can easily get in the way of the simplicity of it all. We use our minds that God has given us every day to solve problems and make decisions. I believe we take our own minds for granted. Without God in our lives, it becomes easy to get caught up in this chaotic world. It is only when we truly learn to let God have His space in our life, in our own minds, that we heal. Through the Holy Spirit I have begun to sense and experience true serenity." ("What was before Anything", By Eric William King - May 25th 2024)

"We need to all stop thinking constantly about ourselves. All of the people of this world are greedy, materialistic, and addicted to someone or something that is not good for them. This is just the fact of the Human condition. Jesus Christ completely understands our dilemma and became Human to see, feel, touch and forgive. He brought true healing for the core of who we are, we are spiritual beings." ("Christian Faith...Everyday", Eric William King - May 2024)

"When a person truly accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord, God, and Savior one is granted a new state of consciousness. One gains a relationship with Divine Intelligence through the Living Word of Life – Jesus the Christ. As a Christian you begin to grow, never reaching perfection but allowing yourself to remain in constant and honest contact with the one who created you and loves you – God. It is God who does the changing, it is God who does the saving and healing. All He asks of us is to trust and obey – to believe. Our belief in God itself is a gift from the indwelling Holy Spirit – the Comforter." ("Christian Awakening", Eric William King - June 21st 2024)

"Those who become truly regenerated, “born from above” or “born again”, comprise the elect and predestined children of God. As humans we cannot understand this rule of sovereignty but because God is sovereign, He is in control and understands the depth of eternity where as mere man cannot and never will." ("Divine Intelligence or Human Logic", By Eric William King - June 9th 2024)

"To wallow in the pain of the past is not a Christian practice. Once we truly take personal inventory and give all to God, we can be rest assured that we have been forgiven and begin to let peace - shalom - abound. Our past is certainly a part of who we are today, that being said, what good are we doing today to make for a better past? We have choices - to listen to the Holy Spirit, surrender and obey, or try and pretend that we have everything under control." ("Forgiven and Pressing On", By Eric William King - May 26th 2024)

“As Christians our spiritual growth is never finished. We learn from each other and in sharing our own personal relationship with Divine Intelligence. We must become truly willing to want relationship with the True God. Being around other believers is inspirational and uplifting. The Church of God is a family, a spiritual family. We have learned that it is okay to share our problems, troubles, and rejoicings with fellow Christians. This is the sign of a healthy church.” (“Health in Sharing”, By Eric William King - May 29th 2024]

“We give all that we have and are to Jesus Christ, then we have true rest. There are many who cannot do this and still believe that they have everything under control in their lives. They live in self-will and self-deception. Today we should pray for all those in this fallen world who have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should stay in fellowship with the Church of God and complete the great commission given to us in Christ. That is what we are here for.” (“Loss of Morality for the Fallen Perfectionist”, By Eric William King - June 11th 2024)

“By ignoring the reality of sin, we can make our own rules. However, this does not lead to true peace and happiness. Why? Because Divine Intelligence [God], has determined His terms, His rules, His laws, we are just here experiencing the reality of it all. Acknowledging the reality of God is the first step to knowing and experiencing a better life in all that you are and in all that you do.” (“Relationship with Divine Intelligence”, By Eric William King - May 24th 2024)

“Christians can and do influence people’s lives but they certainly do not control them. Another thing that we cannot do as true Christians is PROVE God's existence - that is not our business. Only the supernatural work of Divine Intelligence through His word and Holy Spirit can accomplish that. Human reason and Human logic are tools in our spiritual growth but they are not what gives us true faith and true regeneration - only God can give us these.” (“What Christian ‘Are’ and ‘Aren’t”, By Eric William King - June 12th 2024)

“Enough said for now, lots to think about. I hope to continue to enlighten you with my lectures and articles here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”. Remain in our Father’s Word every day. Amen” (“Ancient Antiochene Church History”, Eric William King - February 9th 2024)

~ Eric William King

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