Friday, March 3, 2023

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Eric's every Saturday Insight!

Well, by God's grace no nuclear explosions yet!

We are expecting a pause between phase one and two of the Gog-Magog war. Please visit our video lectures and articles regarding this important issue. Use the search window on this site to find what you need.

Two new lectures have been posted. Be back to post more soon, I hope before next weekend.


Here is a thought from the past for contemplation......

Today many are looking into dead loved ones for ultimate answers or direction in their lives. Contacting the so called “dead” is a dangerous business. Number one, how do you know that you are not in contact with the Devil himself? He (the Devil) knows who all of your dead loved ones were and he can mimic them beyond the skills of the best actor in Hollywood.

The Bible says that we are to go to God and look to Divine IntelligenceYahweh for all the answers and direction in our lives, not to “fallen dead sinners”. We are all sinners, even those who have died. Why go to dead things for answers and direction in your life? Jesus is the LIVING WORD. If you seek the dead for answers that is called “occultism” and “spiritism”, it involves demonism and fallen spirits who mimic dead loved ones. It is demonic.

Demons use bait to attract their victims. One of these baits used is dreams. Other things used by the demons are “occult magic”, modern so called “psychology”, tarot cards, witchcraft, spells and mostly drugs. Now that marijuana is legal many are being oppressed by demons.

God says not to be turned to “spirit mediums” (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27). God condemns people who try and contact dead things. God warns that those who practice such things will go to hell (Revelation 21:8; 22:15). All forms of contacting the dead are condemned by Divine Intelligence (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). To go to something other than God to find answers is just another excuse to ignore SIN.

God warns people not to get involved in contacting the dead and anything that involves such practices (Deuteronomy 18:14; Galatians 5:19-21). The Bible says that those who practice such things are not going to heaven….they are going to hell. People say: “Well, I don’t believe that talking to the dead is wrong.” They are calling God a liar.

So God lovingly warns those who practice such things, you are in deep spiritual darkness. The fact is you should go to your Heavenly Father, your Creator to find the answers that you are looking for. Dead loved ones are either in Paradise or HellAny so called “spirit” that claims it is a dead loved one is an impostor and should be rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ…the Savior of the kosmos.

Resting in Jesus the Christ…the true God and Messiah.

Eric William King (October 10th 2020) - click here to see original post

New talk......

TSW Thought from the past............................................

"The problem with America: I will be blunt in this article only because I realize the current and urgent danger in America of completely coming apart. We have lost our Christian roots. We have been infiltrated by the “mobocracy” mind of labelism and bucket dumping. There are many today who like to “label” and divide”. They use the tactic of tribal mind controlThey label people who disagree with them and then dump those who disagree with them under certain names and labels – labelism.

Then there are all the new labels found on protest groups. Everybody is being placed in this group or that. As Christians we understand that everybody is human and everybody is dealing with sin in their lives. Sin is the problem. Christianity has the ultimate answer to sin and that is the person of Jesus Christ."

Click: Eric William King (Originally published, August 24th 2020)

Also watch...............

*Ancient Antiochene Mysteries (NEW)

*Nazarean Mysteries (NEW TALK!)

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Watch Recent Lectures & Visit NEW Articles!

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If this is your first time visiting us we urge you to get your Bibles and study with us. We have updated our REVIEW and NEW articles for you as we always do. 

Check Out What is Currently Popular!
                  A list of REVIEW & NEW articles...messages for today!
Whats NEW?


*Russia will soon breakup! NEW

*The Judgement of the Nations NEW

*A Key to Understanding Bible Prophecy NEW

*The Babylonian Cup & The Whirlwind Unfolded REVIEW

Jesus is not a "little god" (demiurge)

Above: The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ -Here is very good information,
proper knowledge of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Exposing some Gnostic
understandings in contrast to true Christianity. - E.W.King

We are glad that you found this site. We update our Christian articles and talks frequently. 

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Prophecy is a very important subject. We take it seriously.

Check Out Current Prophecy Information

*Oil & Fire for the Last-Day Church

*Seven Sealed Scroll...what is it?

*Rapture - The Purification of the Church!

*Pre-Rapture trouble for the Christian Church

*Lazy Laodiceans refuse to Study God's Word! 

*WAKE UP!.....Current important message for the Christian Church

*Parable of the Hidden Treasure

*Food for the Lukewarm Church

*UFO's and Zechariah 5:5-11

*The Rapture Question Answered! 

*The Whirlwind Prophecy

*Hostility Towards Christians Will Increase

*The Laodicean Dilemma

*The Shepherd's Rod

*The Sleeping Church - Part One

*The Sleeping Church - Part Two

*Meat in due season

*Biblical Typology & Symbolism

*Understanding Zechariah ch.4 & 5

*One World Order?


Please take time out to thoroughly study the Biblical subject of the Seven Seals.

*Students of the Seven Seals

*The Seven Seals...what are they?

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture One

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Two

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Three

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Four

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Five

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Six

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Seven

*The Seven Seals and our Bible

*Sleeping Christians, Wake Up!

*Exposing the First Horse

*Seven Seals & the New Covenant

TSW Predictions - Past, Present, Future...................

Begin to understand the Truth about planet Earth and how it all began!

Messages for Modern America..........................

*Exposing the Marxist God-haters

*The Problem with America


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The 70 -7's Prophecy!

The 70 -7's Prophecy! Above: E.W.King explains the fascinating 70-7's prophecy of Daniel. More TSW Prophetic I...