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True Christianity a life process......
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A Message from Eric.....................
Originally published September 12th 2020. (original link)
Things We Will Experience Review
1-Jesus warned that persecution would increase with all Christians around the globe including in Great Briton and the United States. We will begin to witness this through anti-Christian legislation and public protests. (Matthew 10:16-23; 1st Peter 4:1-6)
2-We may experience the first phase of the “War of Gog & Magog” which will be when Russia will assist predominantly Muslim countries to back an offense against geographical Israel. This first phase may not be when God supernaturally intervenes but will be the precursor to the 2nd phase of “Gog & Magog” which will happen under the final Anti-Christ. It will be horrible none-the-less. The final 3rd phase of “Gog & Magog” will be at the end of the Millennial Kingdom described in the book of Revelation. (Ezekiel 38:1-23; 39:1-13; Luke 21:20 – Luke’s gospel is referring to Gog & Magog, not the Tribulation.)
3-Increase in large earthquakes will begin soon. We will witness huge earthquakes that shall cause incredible damages on large scales. (Matthew 24:7-8)
4-Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars will increase. We have already documented the latest “Four Blood Moons” and their prophetical implications. Many more of these heavenly signs are now occurring. The moon is moving an inch away from Earth every year. This is causing most all of the extreme weather changes and unpredictable jet-stream changes. Weather will continue to get more radical. The Bible also states that heavenly bodies (including the Earth) shall be “shaken out of their places.” The Japan tsunami caused the Earth to wobble and slightly speed up. This is also changing weather patterns. (Luke 21:25-26; Joel 2:30-31)
5-Religious and race wars shall increase. Jesus warned that “ethnos against ethnos” would in fact increase. This will increase political turmoil which sadly will allow “bigger government” and rapid moves to the One World Order which will fully materialize under the Final Anti-Christ. (Matthew 24:7 – the Greek here is “ethnos against ethnos”)
These are five major signs. We will also witness increased terror attacks and perhaps some large objects fall from the heavens. Talk about a one world currency will also increase. The current pandemic is also a warning sign from God. The church needs to remain awake, aware and alert during these last times. The church dispensation will end with the Rapture of the Christian Church. Only those who have been watching and living their faith will be able to escape the greater wrath which is to come (Matthew 25:1-13)
The church is living to witness the five events which I have just listed. All of these things are happening before the Rapture of the Church. We urge all Christians to continue their studies here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. May God continue to richly bless you.
Resting in the finished work of my Lord, God and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
Eric William King (September 12th 2020)
*Going through Pre-Rapture Trouble

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*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Two
*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Three
*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Four
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*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Seven
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