Saturday, January 21, 2023

Keep your eyes on Jesus the Christ.

Eric's every Saturday Insight!

I just posted some new insight regarding "Jesus, Nazareans, Essenes & Jews (click)". This helps fill in some information along the way in our very interesting studies.

Thank you all for continuing to study your Bibles with us here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth". By next Saturday I hope to have another talk posted for this series. Continue to pray that the Ukraine war stops and that humanity can begin to truly look for God through all of this turmoil.

I also hope to post some new articles of mine. I have been busy but always remaining in God's Word and praying for His true people. In the mean time, here is a thought from the past to contemplate;


"God’s word must be heard in order for true salvation to occur. Only the Holy Spirit can open ones ears in order to even hear the message. The Bible does not teach that there is any other means through which a person can be saved. Some people teach that a person can hear other things and be saved such as psychological books, New Age books, spiritual teachers from other faiths etc. but this is not Biblically true. 

Jesus Christ came to earth with the one message that can save and no other message can. The group known as “Enthusiasts” claim that God can call a person without hearing the Word of God, and without becoming a “born again” believer, and without the sacraments but again this is false. The only way for true enlightenment and justification is through hearing the true Gospel message. 

The ancient Pelagians taught that a person could come to Jesus Christ through his or her own power, without the Holy Spirit. This is false. The so called Semi-Pelagians taught that a person could begin his own conversion but only the Holy Spirit could complete it. This is also false. 

Actually, the fallen human will cannot and does not participate in true conversion at all. True conversion is in fact a COMPLETE WORK OF GOD.  There are only two efficient causes of a person’s conversion and these are the Holy Spirit and God’s Word

Those who become truly regenerated, “born from above” or “born again”, comprise the elect and predestined children of God. As humans we cannot understand this rule of sovereignty but because God is sovereign He is in control and understands the depth of eternity where as mere man cannot and never will. As Christians we are to preach the simplicity of the Gospel and not become sidetracked with “Calvinism” or any other “ism”. We are to simply share the love of Jesus Christ through the message of the Gospel. We are to live the Gospel every day

In ending this article on how this ministry (“The Shepherds Way”) understands true salvation we look at what Christ says; “apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) so truly the Holy Spirit denies free will its powers and ascribes everything to God’s grace, in order that no one can boast before God. (Ephesians 2:8-9)" 

Eric William King (Originally posted, April 4th 2020) - Read original post.

....listed in order!

Latest talks: 


also watch an older series which exposes the errors of Rome, titled....

*Exposing the errors of the Roman Church!

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                  A list of REVIEW & NEW articles...messages for today!
Whats NEW?

*Russia will soon breakup! NEW

*The Judgement of the Nations NEW

*A Key to Understanding Bible Prophecy NEW

*The Babylonian Cup & The Whirlwind Unfolded REVIEW

Jesus is not a "little god" (demiurge)

Above: The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ -Here is very good information,
proper knowledge of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Exposing some Gnostic
understandings in contrast to true Christianity. - E.W.King

We are glad that you found this site. We update our Christian articles and talks frequently. 

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Prophecy is a very important subject. We take it seriously.

Check Out Current Prophecy Information

*Seven Sealed Scroll...what is it?

*Rapture - The Purification of the Church!

*Pre-Rapture trouble for the Christian Church

*Lazy Laodiceans refuse to Study God's Word! 

*WAKE UP!.....Current important message for the Christian Church

*Parable of the Hidden Treasure

*Food for the Lukewarm Church

*UFO's and Zechariah 5:5-11

*The Rapture Question Answered! 

*The Whirlwind Prophecy

*Hostility Towards Christians Will Increase

*The Laodicean Dilemma

*The Shepherd's Rod

*The Sleeping Church - Part One

*The Sleeping Church - Part Two

*Meat in due season

*Biblical Typology & Symbolism

*Understanding Zechariah ch.4 & 5

*One World Order?


Please take time out to thoroughly study the Biblical subject of the Seven Seals.

*Students of the Seven Seals

*The Seven Seals...what are they?

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture One

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Two

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Three

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Four

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Five

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Six

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Seven

*The Seven Seals and our Bible

*Sleeping Christians, Wake Up!

*Exposing the First Horse

*Seven Seals & the New Covenant

TSW Predictions - Past, Present, Future...................

Begin to understand the Truth about planet Earth and how it all began!

Messages for Modern America..........................

*Exposing the Marxist God-haters

*The Problem with America


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