Saturday, January 28, 2023

Eric's every Saturday Insight!

Welcome! Thank you fellow brothers and sisters for your edifying letters and insight! I hope to have some more talks posted before next "Saturday Insight!". In the mean time please continue to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever you are.

TSW & Nugget of Truth will continue to broadcast the Truth and "let the chips fall where they may". We are keeping in prayer Ukraine & Russia. We truly believe that we are in the first phase prophecy of "Gog & Magog"....Putin will not get what he wants. (click to read & watch lecture about this)

Also, we are praying that Americans begin to truly "seek the Lord" and stop the violence. Why the degeneration of our Christian Nation?...yes, founded by men who honored God's word. All of us (Humans) have made mistakes and we all fall short of the perfect mark. This is why Christians have the best news! Those who think they are impressing the Sovereign God by their "good deeds" or perhaps "diet" are only kidding themselves. In regards to "racism" sin is the issue, not SKIN. 

People blame diet, friends, family members, etc.(the list goes on). The real issue that humans need to deal with is the issue of sin. Only a perfect God has given the perfect answer to this issue....His name is Jesus Christ. Our intelligent God did not leave us guessing about Him. He is responsible and loving, and He left us the Christian Bible...His personal word to YOU!

You may not have much time left to really get serious about the Truth and about the TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY. If you died you really know where you are going after? Will you be with saved family members who have believed in Jesus the Christ? Or will you be separated forever? Time to get serious. You can find the answers to these and other important questions here! Bookmark us.

Continue in serious studies of God's Word....remain here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth".


Who was Jesus Christ? Was He God in the flesh? Yes - He was and is. I will now give to those who study here at “The Shepherds Way” information and hopefully some understanding regarding this most important issue. 

First we must try and explain just who our monotheistic God is. He is ONE yet He is also three persons. We call this the “three persons of the Godhead”. The word “trinity” is not in the original Scriptures but the word Godhead is and it basically means the same thing and that is we worship one God in three persons. The true ancient Christians understood that God is three hypostasis – individuals. 

These three persons of the Godhead are of one substance (ousia). The Greek word for substance is ousia and it can more accurately mean for us essence. As God’s creation we may never become His essence but we may partake of it through His energies. This happens in the person who truly becomes regenerate (“born from above” or “born again”). The Christian is “born again” and has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and thus becomes a “partaker of the Divine Nature”. The Christian begins to grow in his faith through the process of theosis to achieve apotheosis (true oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord). 

The regenerate Christian lives in two matrixes, the Fallen Matrix and the Divine Matrix

Eric W. King (click to read original) – Originally posted; April 2nd 2020


  •   "Help me Lord, to properly understand." Ever Learning yet never getting it. By Eric William King Some…”always learning but n...

*Nazarean Mysteries (NEW TALK!)

....listed in order!

Latest talks: 


also watch an older series which exposes the errors of Rome, titled....

*Exposing the errors of the Roman Church!

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Watch Recent Lectures & Visit NEW Articles!

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If this is your first time visiting us we urge you to get your Bibles and study with us. We have updated our REVIEW and NEW articles for you as we always do. 

Check Out What is Currently Popular!
                  A list of REVIEW & NEW articles...messages for today!
Whats NEW?


*Russia will soon breakup! NEW

*The Judgement of the Nations NEW

*A Key to Understanding Bible Prophecy NEW

*The Babylonian Cup & The Whirlwind Unfolded REVIEW

Jesus is not a "little god" (demiurge)

Above: The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ -Here is very good information,
proper knowledge of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Exposing some Gnostic
understandings in contrast to true Christianity. - E.W.King

We are glad that you found this site. We update our Christian articles and talks frequently. 

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Prophecy is a very important subject. We take it seriously.

Check Out Current Prophecy Information

*Seven Sealed Scroll...what is it?

*Rapture - The Purification of the Church!

*Pre-Rapture trouble for the Christian Church

*Lazy Laodiceans refuse to Study God's Word! 

*WAKE UP!.....Current important message for the Christian Church

*Parable of the Hidden Treasure

*Food for the Lukewarm Church

*UFO's and Zechariah 5:5-11

*The Rapture Question Answered! 

*The Whirlwind Prophecy

*Hostility Towards Christians Will Increase

*The Laodicean Dilemma

*The Shepherd's Rod

*The Sleeping Church - Part One

*The Sleeping Church - Part Two

*Meat in due season

*Biblical Typology & Symbolism

*Understanding Zechariah ch.4 & 5

*One World Order?


Please take time out to thoroughly study the Biblical subject of the Seven Seals.

*Students of the Seven Seals

*The Seven Seals...what are they?

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture One

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Two

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Three

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Four

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Five

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Six

*Students of the Seven Seals - Lecture Seven

*The Seven Seals and our Bible

*Sleeping Christians, Wake Up!

*Exposing the First Horse

*Seven Seals & the New Covenant

TSW Predictions - Past, Present, Future...................

Begin to understand the Truth about planet Earth and how it all began!

Messages for Modern America..........................

*Exposing the Marxist God-haters

*The Problem with America


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The 70 -7's Prophecy!

The 70 -7's Prophecy! Above: E.W.King explains the fascinating 70-7's prophecy of Daniel. More TSW Prophetic I...